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EOL Text
Conium (/koʊˈnaɪ.əm/ or /ˈkoʊniəm/) is a genus of plants in the carrot family. The number of acceptable species has been debated; The Plant List accepts four species.[1][2] One species, C. maculatum, is native to the Mediterranean, while the other three are from southern Africa.[1]
- ^ a b The Plant List, search for Conium
- ^ "No good reasons appear to have been advanced for maintaining the southern African representatives of this genus as a separate species (C. chaerophylloides), and accordingly it is here reduced to synonymy.""Flora Zambesiaca volume:4 part:0 (1978) Umbelliferae by M. L. Gonçalves". eFloras. Kew.
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Rights holder/Author | Wikipedia |
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Tall biennial herbs. Leaves 2-4-pinnate; ultimate segments coarsely serrate. Inflorescences of compound umbels. Bracts and bracteoles well-developed. Calyx teeth 0. Petals white; apex slightly inflexed. Fruit ovoid to subspherical, slightly laterally flattened; mericarps with prominent undulate ridges.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:28
Specimens with Sequences:36
Specimens with Barcodes:24
Species With Barcodes:3
Public Records:16
Public Species:3
Public BINs:0